Legacy Giving
Legacy Giving
Solidify your legacy and ours.
By including the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre (registered charity #89340 1380 RR0002) in your will or estate plan, you make a lasting contribution to our sustainability and our mission to rehabilitate wild birds, and to inspire responsibility and respect for wild birds through our education programs.
Throughout the years, the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre has received many bequests from generous donors. This has allowed us to provide essential care to thousands of birds each year and provide funding for our new facility.
Whether you choose to leave a residual gift or a percentage, planning for the future allows you to provide for your loved ones and fit in your beloved charities while giving you peace of mind.
Sample statement to add to your Will: I give to the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre, registered charity# 89340 1380 RR0002, _____% of the residue of my estate to be used where it is needed most.
Your Will should be made in consultation with your lawyer and/or financial advisor. This ensures that the document is legally binding, properly expresses your wishes and maximizes the tax benefits to your estate.