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Building Fund Contributors

We wish to extend our sincerest gratitude to our generous community for contributing to our Building Campaign, helping the birds of today and tomorrow.

Honour Roll

Heron $100,000+

Betty Hasler Estate
Juliette Marczuk & Orest Halustchak
Radiology Suite
Great Blue Heron

Eagle $50,000 - $99,999

Graham & Jamie Bird
Birds of Prey Recovery
Robert Burns
Aviary 3 & Office
In memory of Patricia Frances Freeth, D. & J. Deisley
Main Aquatic Aviary
Cathy & Tom Kari
Rock Doves Recovery & Crows, Ravens Recovery
Bald Eagle

Owl $25,000 - $49,999

In Memory of Carmen Anderson
Raven, Crow Aviary
Lynda Inkster
Estate of Ruth Kavanagh
Judy Field & Murray Kronick
Recovery 3
Marina Laker & Mitch Lunge
Jays, Woodpeckers Aviary
Tony Stansby
Recovery 4
Yuzyk & Yarymowich Family
Aquatic PR1 Aviary
Great-horned Owl

Woodpecker $15,000 - $24,999

Tanya Claus
Thibaut Courouble
Staff/Break Room
In loving Memory of Nancy Porter (1949-2013) - Michael Doyle & Jill Porter
The Eric S. Margolis Family Foundation
Anita & Bob VandenBygaart
Private Aquatic Recovery

Cardinal $10,000 - $14,999

Small Birds of Prey Aviary 1
The Barwick Family Foundation
N. Bellemare Family Foundation
Janice Grant
Hendelman Family - In Memory of Devra Hendelman
Pamela Houwing
Ontario Power Generation
Small Birds of Prey Aviary 3
Keri Fisher & Sean Rhoads
Small Birds of Prey Aviary 4
David & Sue Rose
Small Birds of Prey Aviary 2
Janice Dunn & William Saltman
Scott Simon
Monitoring Station
Anne & Karl Snider
Project Room
Wild Birds Unlimited Kanata
Northern Cardinal

Blue Jay $5,000 - $9,999

Dolores Anderson
Deva Delanoe and Mark Colley
Jody Gomber
Christine Grant & Peter Mackechnie
Kathryn Zedde
Blue Jay

Robin $2,500 - $4,999

David Ettinger
Friends of Mud Lake
Sylvie Garneau
Roderick Gillis & Weiping Guo
Janet Jury
Cameron Laing
Karim Mattar
Elisabeth Morrison
Ursula Pace
Marissa Pace
Grace Powell
Kathryn Rowsome
In Memory of Katherine Suter
Wild Birds Unlimited - Kanata
American Robin

Chickadee $1,000 - $2,999

Anonymous (numerous)
Barbara Adams
Robert P. Aikens
Susan Allenby
Brian Armstrong
David Arthurs, In Memory of William and Jeanette Arthurs
Janet Beath
In honour of Penelope Ben-Ezra
In loving memory of Ambrose and Lula Berard
In loving memory of Alexandra and Stanley Berezowski
Andrew Beveridge and Lindsay Mackeyn
Nigel Brereton
Louise Brewer
Marilyn Brown
Peter Campbell
Mary Campbell
Heather Clemenson
Nadine Coates Muller
Donna Dandele-MacNabb
Clint & Renata Delisle
Mariya Dias
Norm, Elmeta and Sandra Duncan
Helena Garcia
Andrea Greenhous
In Memory of Phyllis Grigg
Linda Harvey
Alison and Brady Hodge
Robin Jackson
Lara Jamieson
Mary Ellen Jenkinson
Peter Kavanagh
Tiina Kurvits
Julianne Labreche
Maryse Lepage
Dylan's Dreams, in loving memory of Dylan McCarthy
Beverly McKibbon
Garrett Milks
Susan Oke
Christine Pagani
Daniela Planka
Leslie Reissner
In memory of Jane Scott
Linda Scott
Heather & Alan Shade
Tara Snell & Tony Chambers
Ken Steele
Dennis Thomasson
Jocelyn Thurston
Jeremy Wilson
In Memory of Audrey (Davidson) Young
Black-capped Chickadee

Hummingbird $500 - $999

Anonymous (numerous)
Allison Armstrong
Jane Armstrong
Lyn Arsenault
Dennis Arsenault
Leslie Barrenger
Seretta Beck
Gordon Bergeron
Stephanie & Purazar Bhadha
Barbara Bilodeau
Muriel Bousquet
Bonney & Vince Brooks
Lisa Campbell
Sykes Capital LLC
Marie Carter
Ed and Christine Chaplin
Yasmin Charlton
Jane Chen
Robert Clark
In Memory of Laurie Coady
Steven Cook
Debbie Couse
Jeanne Currie & Norbert Cyr
Margaret & Ron Dacey
In memory of Patricia Dandele
In memory of Joseph H. Dandele
Joanne Pasieka & Terrence Davies
Susan Desjardins
Charlene Dixon
Pauline, John & Max Donaldson
Helen Donihee
Shelley Donihee Hudson
Heather Douglas
Chantal Dupuis, The Silver Birch Project
Eve Duravetz
Dixon Family
Toby-MacNeil Family
Carolyn Finlayson, Eric Marion and Loic Marion
Kathy Fischer
Anita Utas & Michael Gazier
Julie Goldblatt
George Goulding
Faith Grobben
Peter & Judith Hall
Saffron Harvey
Jane Heintzman
Pat & Kathy Holmes-Treehuba
Ralph Hopper
Allen Huang
Carl, Janet, Stefan, and Ellen Jakubowski
Nicaulas Sabourin & Jennifer Johnson
Sherry and Tim Julien
Kelly Funeral Home
Walter Kelm
Danny and Kirsten King
Colin and Sandra Kiviaho
Gale Labelle
Gillian Lagroix
The Lahey Family
Andrea & Jim Leask
Leah Lepage
Mylene Lerow
Stephen Leung
Pulse Live
Kim Loenhart
Susan MacNeill
Emily Cole & Kevin MacPherson
Thien-Fah Mah
Rod and Diane Matheson and Family
Anne Maurais
Debra McCann
Laura McDonald
Richard McKendry
Jeremy Melanson
Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists
Henno Moenting
Chris Morrison
Susan Mrkich
Josh Neubauer
Addison Neubauer
Constance Nunn
Dawn O'Leary
Ottawa Human Society Auxiliary
Patricia Paley
Christy Pitcher
M. Price, In Memory of Tracey Dean
Henry Song and Barb Prigioni
Christina Proud
Vic & Laurie Rajewski
Betty Ramsey
Beth Richardson
Dr. Malcolm Rose
In Memory of Nicola (Nicki) Suzanne Ruscher
Sandra Sawers
Louise Schwartz
Charlene Hogan and Keith Seifert
John and Catherine Sheridan
Dawn Smith
Lesley Spencer
Edward and Jennifer Talmage
Andrew & Remi-Bertin vanBruggen/Theriault
David Thibodeau
Gail, Mike, Tong
Malcolm Tychie
Lisa Van Buren
Eva Watson
Patricia Wiebe
Beth and Don Wigle
Genevieve Willis
Brandon Wong
Darla Woodwood
Bailey Wright and Kathryn McGrail
Hai Wu
Vadim Yastrebov
Carla Zylstra
Ruby-throated Hummingbird

$100 - $499

Blue Feather
Anonymous (numerous)
Margaret Adsett
Bill Allan
Amanda Allen
Suzanne & Harold Allmand
Marlyss Anderson
Guy Anfossi
Arbor Memorial Foundation
Wally Archibald
Brian Armstrong
Lee Armstrong
Robert Armstrong
Natasha Artemeva
Edna Marie Ayache
Mike Bachman
Khalida Badran
Gareth Balch
Skye Barbic
Colleen Bastien
Ellen Bazley
Michael and Jennifer Beaudette
Sylvia and Bill Bell
Carl Bertoia
Roland Beshiri
Robert Bierman
Marian Bird
Noah Bissonnette
Rosalind Boehmer
Nujma Bond
Anja Boskovic
Carmel Bourgeois
Ross Bowie
Mona-Marie Bowles
Saffron Bradbury
David Bravo
Lindsey Brien
Suzanne Britton
Sue Brown
Heather Bryson
Francesca Brzezicki
Deborah Buchanan
Wendy Buchanan
CHEO Anesthesia Physicians
Jacqueline Campeau
Susanne Canadien
Laleah Carscallen
Karen Castro
Joanne Chambers
Pam Chapman
Lyse Chartrand
Anne Christians
Allan Clark
George Clayburn
Tracey Climo
Berni Conn
Catherine D'Amico
Joanne Daley
Richard Dancer
Ken Dawson
John Dawson
Jade De Vere-Drummond
Cristina Del Sol
Marcail Delahunt
Nicole Deschesne
Celine Desjardins
Dan Deslauriers
Dan Deslauriers
Jenna Destounis
James Dewar
In honor of Ingrid Di Nardo
Elizabeth DiSabato
Engage Digital Partners
Francine Dilawri
Deborah Doherty
Gary Donell
Neil Donnelley
Doreen Dore
Ben & Cameron Drew
Cecile Dreze
Jeff Dube
Robert Duffield
Lynn and Larry Duffy
Monica & Gordon Duguid
David Duncan
Joseph Duthie
Cynthia Dwyer
Cynthia Dwyer
Catherine Easton
Verla Edwards
Susan Eldred
Ingrid Eldring
Sharon Emanuel
Doreen Engelberts
Hilary Esmonde-White
Norm & Diane Fairhead
Kuno W Fasel
Rosaleen Fedak
John Feeley and Cherise Araujo
John Feeley and Cherise Araujo
Christina Finlay
Julia Finn
Bruce and Marianne Ford
John Forster
Yves Fortin
Peter Foulger
Robin Fox
Ron Fraser
Helen Friel
Brian Galligan
Blair Geddes
Richard Gelinas
Mary Gick
Annette Giger
Suzanne Giroux
Gabriella Goliger
Good Mood Look Services Corp.
Lynne Goodbody
Eric Goodwin
Julie Grabowy
Judith Graham
Paulin Graydon
Catherine Green
Matthew Griffin
Sherry Guild
Nadia Guillaume Nilles
Marilyn Hahn
Sebastian Haigh
Gary Halverson
Lynne Hammond
Daniela Hayman
Susan Hedger
Pat & George Hendry
Elizabeth Heron
Patrick Hertel
Andrea Hiltz
Ian Holmes
Jennifer Humphries
Ron & Ann Hunt
Ron & Ann Hunt
Trevor Ibach
Bryan Innes
Ron Jackson
Steve Jamieson
Lara Jelowicki
Earl Johnson
Greer Johnston
Kerry & Tammy Joho
Maciej Karpinski
Barbara Kaye
Mary Jo Kelly
Ryan Kitching
Sandra Koch
Maria Koulis
Jacqueline Kuehl
Amanda Kuschak
Susan Kusiar
Lynne Landry
Vaughan Langille
Kathryn Langlois
John Lark
Denise Larkin
Barbara Larocque
Edward Lauer
Yanick Lavoie
Mark Leclair
Lyn Leclerc
Jeff, Jennifer, Abigail Lemke
Wendy Leslie
Deborah Lewis
Matt Lukens
Jane Lund
Delores Lydall
Dick Mabee
Pamela MacDonald
Marion MacDonald
Andrew MacNeill
Karen Magalhaes
Andrea Mailhot
Angela Makra
Vivienne Mansfield
Brigitte Martin
Carissima Mathen
Mairead Matthews
Brian Matthews
Margaret McAllister
Susan McCarthy
Bill & Roxy McCarthy
Colleen McFadden
Brian and Christina McMahon
G. Mclean
Elizabeth Melanson
Alan and Karen Menkis
Frederick Michel
Denyse Michon
Mary Jane Millen
Robert Miller
Tierney Mimeault
Sapigni Sandra Mirella
Malie & Kai Mohninger
Adam Molineux
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